Practice Area

Government Business Policy


Our lawyers have served as independent consultants for government and its agencies, including inter-governmental and international organizations on matters like justice, governance and other public sector reforms. MRB Attorneys has also partnered with different international firms and consultants to deliver new policies, institutional reforms and capacity development programs in the public sector. Our firm is therefore well positioned to provide the following services among other:

Policy review, formulation and institutional development in the justice sector by way of:

• Legal reform and drafting of new legislation.
• Curriculum development & Institutional reform.
• Training systems development.
• Capacity development through training both of trainers, trainees, and attachments.
• Recruitment and induction of personnel.

Policy review, formulation and institutional development in the governance sector by way of:

• Institutional & legal audit.
• Legal reform and drafting of new legislation.
• Policy review and formulation.
• Institutional reform and development.
• Training and capacity development.
• Adapting and incorporation of international best practices.

Regional Integration & trade – Our firm supports the East African Community (EAC) states, institutions, and civil society in deepening regional integration, particularly in the justice and commercial sectors by:

• Undertaking Legal and Institutional Audits to ensure compliance with the EAC Treaty and other supporting Instruments.
• Legal reform and drafting of new legislation in compliance with the Treaty.
• Conducting capacity needs assessments in the relevant sectors and creating suitable capacity development initiatives.
• Conducting capacity assessment studies for professionals and other EAC organizations with a view of supporting them in preparing better for cross boarder business.
• Offering specialized trainings on the functioning of the EAC Organs the Secretariat, the Summit, the Assembly, the Court of Justice and other Organs.

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