Remy Munyaneza


Remy Munyaneza



Remy MUNYANEZA holds an LLM from the University of Rwanda and a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Institute of Legal Practice & Development (ILPD). He is affiliated with the Rwanda Bar Association, the East African Law Society, and holds Associate status with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London. Remy is skilled in mediation and serves as a notary.

Over a decade, Remy has gained and demonstrated extensive expertise in litigation, arbitration, mediation, and advisory roles, handling a diverse range of cases including criminal, commercial, labor, and civil matters. He has significant experience in criminal investigation, having been involved in high-profile cases. Remy also contributes to legal education as a trainer for the Rwanda Bar Association and serves on its legal commission.

As a native Kinyarwanda speaker, Remy is fluent in French and English, with a proficient command of Swahili.



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